
by GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE INC., Engine Software BV, NIS America, Inc.

The Developer Says...

Sneak into a world of underground assassins as Harman Smith, a man who manifests 7 deadly personalities, the killer7. Take control of this distinct murderers' row as they hunt down the sinister Kun Lan to thwart his plan of world dominance.

Players Like...

❤ Unconventional On-Rails Shooting

Rather than adopting a traditional control scheme, the game utilizes an on-rails shooter format that sets it apart from the norm. Players do not have full control over the character's movement; instead, they must carefully time their attacks and abilities to overcome the challenges presented. This approach creates a distinct gameplay experience, as players navigate linear environments and engage enemies in a stop-and-pop shooting style.

❤ Diverse Assassin Personas

At the heart of the gameplay are the seven distinct playable personalities that make up the syndicate. Each assassin brings their own unique weapons, abilities, and playstyle to the table, allowing players to adapt their approach based on the situation. Mastering the nuances of each character and seamlessly switching between them is a key part of the gameplay loop.

❤ Puzzle-Solving and Exploration

While shooting is a central focus, the game also incorporates puzzle-solving and exploration elements that add depth to the experience. Players must navigate complex environments, uncover secrets, and solve environmental puzzles in order to progress. These puzzles often require the unique abilities of the different assassins, further incentivizing experimentation with the various characters.

❤ Player Praise for a Unique Vision

The game's unorthodox gameplay has been widely praised by players, who recognize it as a true cult classic. Reviewers have highlighted the game's ability to create a wholly unique and memorable experience, with the constant need to adapt to different situations and utilize the various assassins keeping the gameplay engaging throughout. Despite some initial counterintuitive design choices, the depth and complexity of the gameplay, combined with the game's striking visual style and thought-provoking narrative, have cemented its status as a landmark title that has left a lasting impact on the medium.

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