
by Superboss Games

The Developer Says...

The ultimate spy-vs-guards simulator. Carefully sneak your way to the objective as Intruders or use the wide variety of tactical gadgets to trap your opponents as Guards. Intruder allows for stealth, teamwork, and environmental interactions never before seen in a multiplayer game.

Players Like...

❤ Infiltrate, Defend, and Outwit Opponents

As an "Intruder," you must carefully navigate environments, using stealth mechanics like crawling, climbing, and swimming to reach your objective without detection. Your team of Intruders can leverage a variety of gadgets, such as motion sensors and remote charges, to distract and outsmart the opposing "Guard" team. Conversely, as a Guard, you must use security cameras and hand radio communication to coordinate with your team, setting traps and ambushes to catch the stealthy Intruders.

❤ Emergent Tactics and Physics-Driven Chaos

The game's open-ended design and realistic physics system encourage creative, unpredictable gameplay. You can throw objects to lure guards into motion-activated explosives, or even launch opponents out of windows using the ragdoll physics. The spatial 3D voice chat adds to the immersion, as you can hear the enemy team's conversations if they're nearby, allowing you to eavesdrop or even deceive them.

❤ Customize Your Experience

The game's level editor empowers the community to create and share custom maps and game modes, ensuring a constantly evolving and replayable experience. Each match feels fresh, as players experiment with new strategies and adapt to the unique layout and objectives of each environment.

❤ Teamwork and Coordination are Key

Effective communication and coordination are essential to success. Guards must work together to monitor the environment and set up interlocking traps, while Intruders need to silently signal their teammates and time their movements to infiltrate undetected. The game's hand signal system and proximity-based voice chat foster a tactical, team-based dynamic that is crucial to outmaneuvering the opposition.

❤ A Unique Blend of Stealth and Skill

Intruder's focus on tactical stealth, emergent gameplay, and team-based mechanics sets it apart from traditional multiplayer shooters. Players who appreciate a more thoughtful, skill-based approach to the genre will find a captivating and rewarding experience in the game's tense, unpredictable matches.

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