
by FakeFish, Undertow Games, Daedalic Entertainment

The Developer Says...

Barotrauma is a 2D co-op submarine simulator – in space, with survival horror and RPG elements. Steer your submarine, complete missions, fight monsters, fix leaks, operate machinery, man the guns and craft items, and stay alert: danger in Barotrauma doesn’t announce itself!

Players Like...

❤ Immerse Yourself in Realistic Submarine Simulation

Players will find themselves deeply immersed in the game's realistic 2D underwater environment. Ragdoll physics and detailed systems, from repairing hull breaches to operating complex machinery, create a challenging and engaging experience. Navigating the depths of Europa and fending off alien sea monsters feel meaningful and true-to-life.

❤ Coordinate as a Specialized Crew

Effective teamwork and communication lie at the heart of the gameplay. Players take on diverse roles, such as Captain, Engineer, Medic, and Security Officer, each with unique responsibilities vital to the sub's operation. Crews must coordinate their actions, share information, and make split-second decisions to ensure the survival of all onboard. This emphasis on cooperative play is integral to the experience.

❤ Emergent Narratives Shaped by Players

Reviews describe the game's ability to generate dynamic, player-driven narratives. From harrowing tales of hull breaches and crewmate betrayals to desperate rescue missions and horrific monster encounters, each playthrough offers a unique set of events and challenges. The procedurally generated world and diverse scenarios ensure memorable moments that players will eagerly share.

❤ Depth in Customization and Complexity

One of the game's standout features is the depth of its customization and complexity. Players can design their own intricate submarines, creating complex wiring setups and automated systems to optimize their vessel's performance. The comprehensive crafting system also allows players to gather resources and construct specialized equipment, weapons, and medical supplies, catering to those who enjoy tinkering and optimizing their submarine's capabilities.

❤ Endless Replayability through Modding

The game's strong support for modding further enhances its replayability. With the source code publicly available, players can create their own custom submarines, characters, and even procedural animations. The Steam Workshop facilitates easy sharing and discovery of mods, ensuring a constantly evolving and diverse gameplay experience.

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