Chivalry 2

by Torn Banner Studios, Tripwire Presents

The Developer Says...

Chivalry 2 is a multiplayer first person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles. Players are thrust into the action of every iconic moment of the era - from clashing swords, to storms of flaming arrows, to sprawling castle sieges and more.

Players Like...

❤ Combat System

The game utilizes a fixed directional attack system, allowing players to perform standard and heavy attacks in three directions - overhead, horizontal, and thrust. This adds an element of strategy as players must anticipate and react to their opponent's attack patterns. The combat also incorporates other mechanics such as jabs, which quickly interrupt an opponent's attack, and kicks, which can break an enemy's guard. Players can also feint attacks to create openings and chamber parries to launch immediate counterattacks. The combat features a stamina system, requiring players to carefully manage their resources when blocking, attacking, and maneuvering.

❤ Weapon Variety and Customization

The game offers a diverse arsenal of over 30 unique medieval weapons, each with distinct attributes and playstyles. Players can choose from a variety of swords, maces, axes, spears, and more, further expanding their combat options. The subclass system allows players to unlock new weapon combinations as they progress, enhancing the strategic depth of the combat.

❤ Environmental Interaction and Traversal

The game's environments provide various interactive elements that players can utilize to their advantage. Players can throw objects like barrels, chairs, and even dead bodies at their opponents. Additionally, the ability to traverse the battlefield by climbing, vaulting, and riding horses adds an extra layer of depth to the combat, encouraging players to constantly adapt to their surroundings.

❤ Player Creativity and Emergent Gameplay

The game's combat system, with its various mechanics and customization options, allows for a high skill ceiling, enabling skilled players to execute complex maneuvers and strategies. Players often share anecdotes of unique and humorous in-game experiences, such as dismembering opponents, throwing random objects, or engaging in over-the-top, theatrical combat. The physics-based systems and ragdoll mechanics contribute to these memorable moments, making each battle feel like a dynamic and unpredictable spectacle.

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