Golden Krone Hotel

by Vulgat

The Developer Says...

Golden Krone Hotel is a gothic horror roguelike. Fight vampires with sunlight or become a vampire yourself and sneak in the shadows. Combines classic turn-based combat with dynamic lighting, an innovative potion system, and fast paced gameplay.

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❤ Dual Protagonist System

The game allows players to switch between human and vampire forms over the course of a run. As a human, you have access to spells, firearms, and the ability to regenerate health, but you are vulnerable to vampires and restricted in vision in dark areas. As a vampire, you gain enhanced melee abilities, the power to see in the dark, and the ability to heal by consuming the blood of enemies, but you are severely weakened by exposure to sunlight. Carefully managing this transformation mechanic is crucial, as being in the wrong form at the wrong time can prove disastrous.

❤ Dynamic Lighting and Environmental Hazards

The movement and intensity of sunlight across the levels is a key strategic element. During the day, shafts of sunlight will periodically sweep across the floor, dealing heavy damage to vampires caught in them. As a human, you can use this to your advantage by luring vampiric enemies into the light. Conversely, as a vampire, you must plan your movements carefully to avoid being burned. Darkness also plays a role, as it obscures vision for human characters while granting stealthy movement options for vampires.

❤ Potion Identification System

When you find an unidentified potion, the game presents you with a choice of three possible effects it could have - whether it will heal you, damage you, or provide some other benefit or consequence. This creates a risk-reward dynamic, as you must decide whether to take the chance and drink the unknown potion, or hold off until you can positively identify it. Careful management of these potions is crucial to survival.

❤ Balanced Class Selection

The game features a variety of character classes, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Some classes may be better suited to a human playstyle, while others thrive more as vampires. This encourages you to experiment with different builds and approaches, rather than relying on a single "optimal" strategy.

❤ Procedural Generation and Exploration

Each run features procedurally generated levels, ensuring that the layout, item placements, and enemy encounters are different each time. This, combined with the optional side branches and bosses, provides ample opportunity for exploration and replay value. You must adapt your tactics on the fly as the environment changes around you.

❤ Streamlined UI and Controls

Despite its depth, the game features a relatively streamlined user interface and control scheme. Key actions are easily accessible, and it can be played comfortably with a controller or even the left side of a keyboard. This approachable design helps offset the often steep learning curve associated with traditional roguelikes.

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