Call of Juarez

by Techland, Techland Publishing

The Developer Says...

Call of Juarez is an epic adventure western themed FPS game. The player alternately assumes the roles of two distinct, antagonistic characters: a sneaking fugitive Billy and his hunter the reverend Ray.

Players Like...

❤ Dual Protagonist Gameplay

Players can experience the story from the opposing perspectives of two distinct protagonists - the fugitive Billy Candle and the reverend-turned-hunter Reverend Ray McCall. The narrative structure alternates between these two characters across the game's 15 chapters, providing a rich, multifaceted storytelling experience.

❤ Billy Candle's Stealth-Oriented Gameplay

As the young, nimble Billy Candle, players engage in more stealth-focused gameplay. Billy's arsenal includes a bow and arrow, allowing for silent, long-range takedowns of enemies. He can also use his whip to grapple and traverse environments, adding a sense of mobility and verticality to his levels. While not as powerful in direct combat, Billy's agility and stealth options offer an engaging contrast to the more straightforward gunplay of Reverend Ray's segments.

❤ Reverend Ray McCall's Firepower-Focused Gameplay

In contrast, players controlling Reverend Ray McCall can experience the classic first-person shooter experience. As an experienced gunslinger, Ray is equipped with a variety of period-accurate firearms, including revolvers, rifles, and shotguns. He can dual-wield pistols and utilizes a "bullet time" mechanic, slowing down time to line up deadly precision shots. Ray's levels tend to feature more open combat scenarios, allowing players to engage in thrilling gunfights.

❤ Weapon Degradation Mechanic

The game features a unique weapon degradation system, where firearms can malfunction or even explode in the player's hands if not replaced or maintained. This adds an extra layer of resource management and strategic decision-making, as players must carefully manage their arsenal to ensure they have a reliable weapon when confronted with enemies.

❤ Environmental Interactivity

The game's environments are more than just static backdrops, as players can interact with various objects and elements to their advantage. This includes pushing and pulling crates to gain access to new areas, as well as utilizing the game's physics-based simulation of liquids, gases, and fire to create emergent gameplay scenarios.

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