天外武林 (Traveler of Wuxia)

by 香港商河洛互動娛樂股份有限公司

The Developer Says...

Traveler of Wuxia is a deck-buiding rogue-lite game that combine the plot twist from the Wuxia novel and the variety of martial arts. This game allows you to explore a Wuxia world that you never experience.

Players Like...

❤ Deck Building and Combo Plays

Players have access to hundreds of unique cards representing various martial arts and abilities. Building an effective deck requires careful card selection and learning how different cards synergize to create powerful combos. The game encourages players to experiment with different card combinations to uncover hidden synergies, such as a sword-based combo that offers free attacks or a staff-based combo that grants defensive buffs. Mastering these intricate card interactions is key to becoming a champion in the Wuxia world.

❤ Tactical Combat and Teammate Interactions

Combat involves strategic turn-based decision making, where players must consider not only their own cards and abilities but also the skills and abilities of their teammates. For example, pairing the Venerable's defensive abilities with the Warrior's aggressive attacks can create a formidable team capable of overcoming challenging foes. Effectively coordinating with teammates and leveraging their unique strengths is crucial to emerging victorious in the game's battles.

❤ Replayability and Procedural Generation

Each adventure presents players with a unique set of events, encounters, and characters to discover. The game's "death is not the end" mechanic allows players to grow stronger with each successive run, bringing back valuable resources or abilities that can impact future playthroughs. For instance, a player may unlock a rare card that grants a powerful defensive ability, or they may carry over a special skill that enhances their starting deck. This encourages players to experiment with different strategies and approaches, fostering a sense of exploration and discovery.

❤ Engaging Wuxia Narrative

The game's Wuxia-inspired narrative features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own motivations and backstories. Players are faced with challenging decisions that can have significant consequences, such as choosing to spare or eliminate a rival, or deciding whether to help a struggling village or pursue a personal goal. The integration of Wuxia elements, such as martial arts and mystical powers, creates a captivating and thematic setting that immerses players in the rich tapestry of the Wuxia genre.

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