Go For A Punch! Saki Sanobashi

by Veratrum

The Developer Says...

Four students find themselves trapped in the restroom of an abandoned school; the door is locked. Without a way of escaping, they can only cling to their remaining shreds of hope or come face to face with their inevitable ruin.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The developers use animated text boxes to present the game's dialogue, creating a more immersive and dramatic experience for players. One standout feature is the "Last Words" mechanic, which prompts players to type their own final thoughts at the end of the game. These last words are then publicly shared on a Twitter account associated with the title. While some players have expressed concerns about this, many appreciate the added layer of interactivity and personalization. In addition to the visual novel-style progression, the game also includes a few simple minigames that provide brief diversions for the player. These optional activities, though not integral to the core narrative, give players additional ways to engage with the game world. The developers have also incorporated a limited number of player choices, allowing individuals to influence minor dialogue and character reactions. These choices, though few, grant a sense of agency within the confines of the linear story.

❤ Player Reception

Reviewers have praised the game's artistic style, sound design, and ability to create a disturbing, oppressive atmosphere. Many have noted that the developers effectively capture the essence of the "Saki Sanobashi" legend, even if the final product does not strictly adhere to the original narrative. Regarding the gameplay, players have highlighted the effectiveness of the animated text boxes, with one reviewer stating that the "use of camera and sprite angling to give the room a really oppressive and disorienting feeling" contributes significantly to the game's overall impact. The "Last Words" feature has sparked discussion, with some players appreciating the added interactivity and others expressing concerns about the public sharing of their personal text. Overall, the gameplay has been well-received, with players emphasizing how it supports the game's dark and unsettling tone while providing a unique visual novel experience.

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