Waves of Steel

by TMA Games LLC

The Developer Says...

If you like warships but wish they could kickflip, Waves of Steel is for you! Build your own custom warship and embark on a sprawling campaign filled with enemy ships, planes, submarines, and bizarre superweapons. Fast-paced arcade naval action is here!

Players Like...

❤ Ship Customization

Players can freely place a wide variety of parts and equipment on their ship's hull, including different types of cannons, rocket launchers, missile systems, anti-aircraft guns, torpedoes, and even unconventional superweapons like lasers, railguns, and drills. This allows players to create highly customized and specialized ships tailored to their preferred playstyle. The game features a large selection of historical and fantastical ship parts and components for experimentation. Reviewers highlight how satisfying and engaging the ship customization is, enabling them to tinker and min-max their vessel's capabilities.

❤ Arcade Naval Combat

The game eschews simulation-level realism in favor of more immediate and chaotic battles. Ships handle with an arcadey responsiveness, enabling players to perform drifts, jumps, and other maneuvers not typically seen in more grounded naval combat games. Reviewers praise the game's action-oriented combat, with ships bristling with an array of powerful weapons that can devastate enemy fleets. The combat is described as frantic, over-the-top, and very satisfying, evoking comparisons to the Ace Combat series.

❤ Progression and Replayability

As players progress, they will unlock new ship parts and technologies to incorporate into their custom vessels. This creates a rewarding loop of completing missions, scavenging new components, and then rebuilding and refining one's ship. Reviewers highlight how this motivates them to replay earlier missions with their newly upgraded ships to see how much more effective they can be. The game's ship customization depth provides near-endless opportunities for experimentation and optimization, further enhancing the game's replayability.

❤ Accessibility and Flexibility

The game is praised for its commitment to accessibility, with features like adjustable difficulty, control rebinding, and gameplay assists that allow players to tailor the experience to their preferences. This, combined with the ability to freely modify ship loadouts, enables a wide range of playstyles. Reviewers appreciate how the game caters to both players seeking a more grounded naval combat simulation and those who want to indulge in over-the-top, unrealistic ship designs and weaponry.

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