

The Developer Says...

《突然*恋人》 全高清合集版收录了本系列本篇与两部后日谈内容。本系列是由日本知名美少女游戏品牌SMEE为纪念品牌成立十周年所制作的恋爱AVG作品。本作拥有特色的恋爱模拟系统,整体基调也保持了SMEE旗下作品一贯的高甜度。

Players Like...

❤ Self-Determined Dating System

The self-determined dating system allows players to actively shape the protagonist's romantic pursuits. Players can choose the protagonist's name and avatar, giving them a sense of ownership over the main character. This system further enhances the experience by enabling players to interact with different female characters in unique living and work environments, fostering a more personalized dating experience.

❤ Branching Storylines and Multiple Endings

The narrative structure of "Totsuzen * Koibito" features compelling branching storylines and multiple endings. Players' choices and actions throughout the game directly impact the development of the protagonist's relationships with the various female characters. This encourages replayability as players strive to explore the different possible outcomes and uncover the full scope of the game's storylines.

❤ Emotional Depth and Relatable Characters

The game's writing is praised for its emotional depth, depicting the characters and their relationships in a genuine and relatable manner. Players often express their appreciation for the title's ability to evoke genuine feelings of affection, heartbreak, and the complexities of love. The well-developed characters, each with their own unique personalities and quirks, further contribute to the immersive and engaging experience.

❤ Seamless Integration of Romantic and Comedic Elements

The title seamlessly blends romantic and comedic elements, creating a heartwarming and lighthearted experience. Maintaining a consistently "high-sweetness" tone, the game provides players with a feel-good, escapist experience. The successful integration of these elements helps to draw players deeper into the narrative and the characters' relationships.

❤ Widespread Critical Acclaim and Awards

The game has garnered significant critical acclaim, having been recognized with prestigious awards such as the Moe Game Award's Nominee for Game of the Year and multiple accolades in the Bishojo Game Awards, including rankings in categories like Overall, System, Music, and Character (for the character of Kitaooji Karin).

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