Welcome to Kowloon

by a1esska, Notex, N4bA, Admia

The Developer Says...

This is an indie horror from the first person, in which you find yourself in an area called Kowloon in search of cheap housing. The inhabitants of this place only at first glance seem to be ordinary people, but if we dig deeper, we will see their real faces.

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Puzzle-Solving

Players navigate the densely populated and claustrophobic environment, exploring the winding corridors and narrow alleys of the Kowloon Walled City. The game encourages careful observation, as players must uncover necessary items and clues hidden throughout the surroundings to progress through the puzzles. While the puzzles are generally straightforward, they effectively compel players to meticulously scour the environment.

❤ Immersive Environment

The game's environment is widely praised for its realistic and unsettling atmosphere. The use of a fisheye camera lens and jittery camera movements during simultaneous looking and walking creates a sense of disorientation and unease, heightening the claustrophobic experience. Players highlight the attention to detail in the densely packed buildings and maze-like layout of the city, which significantly contributes to the game's immersive quality.

❤ Tension and Horror

The game's strength lies in its ability to establish a tense and unsettling atmosphere. Excellent sound design, including ambient sounds, whispers, and other subtle cues, effectively builds a palpable sense of dread and unease. While the use of jump scares is a divisive aspect, many players find that these well-placed scares do not diminish the overall atmospheric horror, but rather enhance the game's ability to startle and unnerve the player.

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