It's the year 2xxx. The inexperienced Toru Sumiki lands a job managing Hookah Haze, a new hookah lounge on the outskirts of Akihabara, where they meet three eccentric girls. The story unfolds as the girls gradually open up to them, connecting through their fondness for hookah...
The player assumes the role of Toru Sumiki, managing a hookah lounge and interacting with a cast of eccentric and troubled regular customers. The primary objective is to create customized hookah blends to serve these customers, which in turn helps deepen the relationships and uncover the backstories of the three main heroines.
Each day, the player selects a "special" hookah blend to offer, which determines which customers will visit the lounge. The player then chooses from five different hookah flavor ingredients, such as fruits, herbs, or beverages, to create the special blend. After preparing the blend, the player engages in a brief dialogue sequence with the visiting customer(s), observing their reactions and making adjustments as needed to closely match the customer's personal preferences. Successfully tailoring the blend to the customer's tastes results in a positive reaction, while failing to do so leads to a less enthusiastic response. The player must also periodically change out the hookah coals to maintain the proper temperature and flavor.
As the player progresses, they gradually unlock new and increasingly complex hookah blend recipes by completing various in-game achievements or story milestones. This encourages experimentation with different flavor combinations to discover the preferences of each heroine. The game features a total of 35 unique hookah blends that can be accessed in a special "Another Day" mode for free mixing and serving.
While the core hookah mixing gameplay is relatively simple, the choices the player makes when interacting with the heroines have a significant impact on the narrative. Each heroine has multiple possible story paths and endings, influenced by the player's attentiveness to their individual preferences and needs. By carefully observing the customer reactions and tailoring the hookah blends accordingly, the player can steer the conversations and develop deeper relationships with the heroines. These choices ultimately determine which ending the player will unlock for each character's storyline.