Lotus Lantern: Rescue Mother

by Unstable Games, 663 Games

The Developer Says...

Lotus Lantern: Rescue Mother is a roguelike top-down action game, inspired by a Chinese mythology. Players will experience the journey of Chenxiang rescuing his mother, Sanshengmu, after mastering martial arts skills from Sun Wukong.

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Combat Mechanics

Players can master a diverse array of combat styles and abilities inspired by Chinese mythology. The game allows players to harness the martial arts skills of iconic characters like Sun Wukong. The distinctive combat styles, coupled with a wide variety of magical treasures and items, enable players to craft extraordinary abilities to defeat formidable foes.

❤ Diverse Skill Combinations

The game features a robust system of sects and magical treasures that allow players to create their own unique combat abilities. By combining a dazzling array of 30+ magical items and cultivating dozens of skills, players can tailor their playstyle to suit their preferences. This deep customization and the ability to experiment with different builds contribute to the game's replayability.

❤ Mythological Encounters

The game immerses players in a rich Chinese mythological setting, allowing them to encounter well-known deities and immortals from these storied tales. Players will meet allies like Sun Wukong as well as formidable foes such as Erlang Shen and Nezha. These encounters add to the game's narrative depth and sense of adventure.

❤ Supernatural Abilities

In addition to the real-time action combat, players can utilize the Lotus Lantern, an ancient artifact, to unleash divine abilities such as Time Manipulation and Bullet Time. This supernatural element adds a layer of strategic depth, as players can leverage these abilities to overcome challenging enemies.

❤ Roguelike Exploration

The game's roguelike structure introduces an element of unpredictability, as players will encounter various random events during their adventures. This encourages players to adapt their strategies and experiment with different approaches, further enhancing the game's replayability.

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