Crush the Industry

by Cognoggin Games

The Developer Says...

Work your way to the top of a cutthroat game studio in this roguelike deckbuilder inspired by retro JRPGs! Crush the Industry features strategic combat with a twist and deep replayability.

Players Like...

❤ Rolling Health Mechanics Encourage Quick Thinking

The game's unique "rolling health" system is a standout feature, gradually draining players' health over time instead of taking immediate damage. This mechanic encourages players to end fights quickly, adding an engaging time pressure element. Reviewers praise how this system keeps them on their toes, requiring careful resource management and strategic planning to minimize the damage taken.

❤ Diverse Playstyles Through Expansive Skill Trees

With over 100 different skills and talents to unlock, the game offers a surprising level of strategic depth. Each of the playable characters has a distinct gameplay approach, from the aggressive "fire build" to the more defensive "Kingsley" strategy. This variety allows for multiple viable paths to victory, prompting players to experiment and discover synergistic deck-building combinations.

❤ Challenging Yet Satisfying Combat Experiences

The combat system is widely praised for its balance of challenge and satisfaction. The rolling health mechanic, combined with the need to manage both physical and mental "sanity" defenses, creates a dynamic and high-stakes battle system. Reviewers describe the thrill of carefully timing their skill usage and chaining combos to minimize damage taken, further enhanced by the inclusion of quick-time events and other unique mechanics.

❤ Accessible Difficulty Options Cater to All Players

While the game presents a significant challenge, particularly on the "Hard" and "9 Circles of Corporate Hell" difficulty modes, it also caters to more casual players. The "Normal" difficulty provides a more forgiving experience, allowing newcomers to the genre to enjoy the game's humor and exploration without being overwhelmed. The ability to customize the level of animation speed and other quality-of-life features ensures that the game can be enjoyed by players of all skill levels.

❤ Seamless Progression and Rewarding Loops

Reviewers praise the way the game's various gameplay systems, such as deck-building, skill unlocks, and the corporate progression narrative, all seamlessly integrate with one another. The process of gaining new abilities, optimizing builds, and climbing the corporate ladder feels like a cohesive and rewarding loop, driving players to keep coming back for more. This sense of progression and meaningful character growth is a key factor in the game's addictive and replayable nature.

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