Fortune's Run

by Team Fortune

The Developer Says...

Explore a decaying industrial world left behind in humanity's never-ending race to conquer the stars. Beneath its iron skies, desperate souls kill and steal for passage to the still-plentiful frontier worlds. Sink or swim in this high-octane first-person shooter with immersive sim elements.

Players Like...

❤ Movement and Mobility

Players praise the game's robust and dynamic movement system, which allows them to fluidly navigate the environments. They can sprint, crouch, slide, and even wall-run and wall-jump, providing a great deal of freedom and flexibility in their approach. This mobility enables dynamic and creative traversal, letting players outmaneuver and outflank enemies.

❤ Melee Combat

The in-depth melee combat system gives players a variety of unarmed attacks and combos to master. They can punch, kick, parry, and counter enemy attacks, creating a satisfying and skill-based close-quarters experience. Players highlight the ability to parry incoming projectiles as a particularly impressive and rewarding mechanic.

❤ Firearms and Gunplay

Players describe the gunplay as extremely satisfying, with "punchy" and impactful firearms. The ability to dual-wield many weapons adds to the sense of power and lethality. They appreciate the high damage and "lethality" of the combat, which requires tactical awareness and precision.

❤ Systemic Gameplay

The game's depth of gameplay systems and mechanics allows for a great deal of player agency and experimentation. Players can interact with the environment in numerous ways, such as hacking terminals, setting environmental traps, and utilizing a wide array of gadgets and abilities. This systemic approach enables diverse playstyles and solutions to challenges.

❤ Difficulty and Mastery

The game is widely acknowledged as extremely challenging, requiring players to learn and master its various mechanics to succeed. However, many find this difficulty rewarding, as it encourages repeated experimentation and practice to overcome the punishing combat. The sense of accomplishment in overcoming the game's rigorous challenges is frequently cited as a major source of enjoyment.

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