First Cut: Samurai Duel

by Night Eyes Interactive

The Developer Says...

Every strike is lethal in this blood-soaked sword fighting game. Slash, clash, parry, dodge and watch limbs fly. Choose your move carefully - the first cut is also the last.

Players Like...

❤ The Core Combat System Shines

Players aim their sword to block incoming attacks and strike around their opponent's guard. Parrying their strikes with well-timed counterattacks, dodging to close the distance, and interrupting foes with a shove are all key techniques. This combat system balances accessibility and depth, taking minutes to learn but a lifetime to master, creating a satisfying and challenging flow of battle.

❤ Lethal, Gory Swordplay

Each attack has the potential to be fatal, leading to gruesome dismemberments and limbs flying through the air. The game's impressive, "visceral" and "procedural" gore effects are a major highlight, painting the environments in sprays of blood and creating an intense, satisfying atmosphere.

❤ Diverse Gameplay Variety

In addition to 1-on-1 duels, the experience offers a Survival mode with endless waves of enemies, a Scenario campaign, and local multiplayer options like a Ring Out mode where players can knock opponents off cliffs. Bonus modes add elements like laser swords, custom blood effects, and even zombies, providing players with abundant content and variety.

❤ Steep Learning Curve, Rewarding Mastery

The AI opponents excel at reading player inputs and reacting with lightning speed, making the game extremely challenging, especially at higher difficulties. While some view this as a downside, skilled players describe a great sense of accomplishment in honing their tactics and overcoming this steep learning curve.

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