Cat's Request is a fantastic detective story about an extraterrestrial cat named Ash and his virtual assistant, living in a metropolis governed by artificial intelligence.
The game allows players to switch between controlling the protagonist, Ash the cat, and his virtual assistant. This dynamic mechanic grants access to different areas and enables collaborative puzzle-solving, as certain tasks can only be completed by one character.
The puzzles feature a variety of logical challenges that gradually increase in complexity. User reviews praise the well-designed puzzles, noting that they require thoughtfulness and exploration without becoming overly frustrating.
In addition to completing tasks and uncovering the mystery, players can earn in-game currency by fulfilling requests. They can then use this currency to create items in a generator, which aid in solving puzzles and advancing the story. This crafting system adds an additional layer of gameplay and allows players to personalize their experience.
Many user reviews highlight the game's immersive cyberpunk atmosphere and the joy of exploring the detailed, visually-striking environments. One reviewer described the 'futuristic city setting, complete with AI-controlled systems and quirky cat characters' as creating a 'unique and engaging world' for players to discover.
While the gameplay mechanics are praised, the well-crafted narrative and charming characters are also a significant draw for players. Reviewers describe the story of Ash the cat detective and his virtual assistant working to uncover a mysterious computer virus as 'fantastic' and 'heartwarming.'
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