
by Samurai Punk

The Developer Says...

Feather is a multiplayer game about exploration, relaxation and immersion. Transform yourself into a bird, take flight, and enjoy a zen-like, picturesque landscape on your own terms. Swoop, glide, and backflip your way around mysterious locations to uncover hidden paths that only birds can follow!


Exploration-based flight simulation
Relaxing, open-ended, sandbox gameplay
Passive multiplayer bird communication
Calm, directionless, meditative experience
Fault-tolerant flight controls
Immersive, serene bird experience
Gameplay without objectives or challenges

Players Like...

❤ Fluid and Responsive Flight

Players consistently praise the intuitive and satisfying flight controls, which allow them to smoothly soar, glide, dive, and perform aerial maneuvers. The game successfully emulates the natural movements and weightiness of a bird in flight, providing a viscerally immersive experience.

❤ Expansive, Layered World

While the island environments may appear small at first, players quickly discover hidden paths, underground tunnels, and secret areas that encourage thorough exploration. Navigating this open-ended landscape and uncovering its many secrets is a key draw for players.

❤ Responsive, Dynamic Environment

As players fly through the world, they witness gradual shifts in lighting, atmospheric conditions, and ambient sounds, contributing to an ever-changing, living environment that feels organic and alive.

❤ Relaxing, Meditative Experience

The lack of objectives, threats, or forced progression allows players to simply exist within the world, freely exploring at their own pace. The soothing soundtrack and serene visuals work in harmony to create a calming, zen-like atmosphere that many find deeply fulfilling.

❤ Passive Multiplayer Encounters

Players may occasionally encounter other birds (representing other players) soaring through the skies, adding a sense of shared wonder and community to the solitary experience, even if the means of interaction are limited to simple chirps.

❤ Unstructured, Player-Driven Gameplay

The open-ended design encourages a sense of discovery and player-driven exploration, appealing to those seeking a more introspective, thoughtful experience. The lack of explicit goals allows players to set their own pace and derive their own meaning from the game.

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