Potato Survival

by Gustav

The Developer Says...

Potato Survival is a short story game about a character who lives alone on the open sea. Collect potatoes and try to survive for 21 days with the knowledge you gain daily. Unlock new skills to create a more meaningful day to day life!

Players Like...

❤ Story and Narrative

The story explores the character's solitary existence on the open sea, which players found intriguing and evocative of the theme of isolation.
The story's open-ended nature and ambiguous aspects leave room for player interpretation, sparking their imagination.
The 'heartwarming' happy ending provides a satisfying emotional payoff for players who invest in the character's journey.

❤ Gameplay and Mechanics

The core loop of collecting potatoes and unlocking new skills to improve the character's daily life is engaging and well-balanced, requiring some strategic thinking but avoiding frustrating difficulty.
The variety of potato recipes players can discover and utilize adds depth and encourages experimentation.
The game's randomness, while sometimes frustrating, introduces an element of unpredictability that enhances replayability.

❤ Overall Experience

Players found the game's unique concept and premise to be a strong selling point, praising it as a refreshing departure from more generic offerings.
The game's humorous moments and meme references resonated with players, providing an entertaining and lighthearted experience.
The game's short length and low price point were seen as a positive, offering good value for the content provided.

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