Fading Afternoon

by yeo, IndieArk

The Developer Says...

Seiji Maruyama is a middle-aged yakuza recently released from prison. Known as "Gozuki" (one of the demon generals from Buddhist mythology) he is the power that his oyabun counts on. But there is one thing his aniki is not taking into account: Maruyama is getting old.

Players Like...

❤ Fluid and Satisfying Combat

The combat system offers players a wide variety of techniques and combos to take down waves of enemies in stylish and visceral ways. Mixing up punches, kicks, and special moves, players can pull off smooth, well-animated attacks that convey a real sense of power. The counter move is a particularly potent tool, allowing players to instantly dispatch most foes, though over-relying on it can make the combat feel repetitive.

❤ Varied Enemies and Environments

The diverse environments require players to adapt their tactics. Some arenas restrict vertical movement, forcing more strategic spacing, while others scroll horizontally like classic beat 'em ups. Enemies also vary greatly in attack patterns and weaknesses - players must learn to counter sword-wielding goons, bottle-throwing thugs, wrestling specialists, and more. Mastering these differences is key to success.

❤ Gradual Difficulty Curve

As the protagonist's health gradually declines over each playthrough, the difficulty ramps up accordingly. Enemies deal more damage, making each confrontation increasingly tense and urgent. This effective difficulty curve ties directly into the narrative, as the protagonist's terminal illness drives the sense of stakes and mortality.

❤ Replayability and Flexibility

The combat system's flexibility and depth encourages experimentation across multiple playthroughs. With branching storylines and endings, players have ample opportunity to customize their moveset and tactics to suit different approaches. The open-ended design, which avoids strict objectives, fosters a sense of player agency and emergent gameplay.

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