Lumino City

by State of Play

The Developer Says...

Lumino City is an award-winning hand-made Puzzle Adventure game. By exploring the city, and using your ingenuity piece together all sorts of puzzling mechanisms to help the people who live in its unique world. Discover gardens in the sky, towers marooned high on an immense waterwheel, and houses dug precariously into cliffs.

Players Like...

❤ Puzzles

Puzzles require players to apply a variety of skills, such as logic, mathematics, and problem-solving to progress through the game
Many puzzles are self-contained, focusing on the immediate environment rather than requiring item-collecting or backtracking
Puzzles have satisfying, logical solutions that provide a sense of accomplishment when solved

❤ Gameplay

The point-and-click exploration and puzzle-solving format is well-executed, allowing players to navigate the world and interact with objects intuitively
The hint system, which provides page references in a "handy manual" based on the puzzle, helps players work through challenging sections without explicitly telling them the solution
The focus on puzzles rather than other typical adventure game mechanics keeps the experience streamlined and centered on the core gameplay

❤ Atmosphere and Storytelling

The whimsical, handcrafted aesthetic creates a charming and immersive world for players to explore
The story of searching for the protagonist's missing grandfather, while uncomplicated, is engaging and provides motivation to progress through the game
The soundtrack complements the game's tone and setting, enhancing the overall atmosphere

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