The Developer Says...

INPUT6 is a short, fast-paced, first-person horror game. Search through the abandoned robot factory avoiding malfunctioning robot by instantly switching between playing in separate sections of the facility. Figure out what led to the company's collapse. Be quick! You don’t have much time.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The ability to instantly switch between five separate sections of the factory in real-time to avoid the malfunctioning robot. This creates a constant sense of urgency and unpredictability, as the player must react quickly to the robot's movements and anticipate its location.
The inclusion of mini-games that randomly appear during gameplay, which can temporarily increase the game's difficulty if lost. These mini-games add an extra layer of challenge and require the player to multitask effectively.

❤ Narrative and Atmosphere

The game's setting in an alternative 1990s reality, drawing inspiration from the early days of personal computing and robotics. This retrofuturistic aesthetic and premise crafts a compelling narrative backdrop for the player to explore.
The environmental storytelling, where players can uncover hidden documents and items that reveal the dark history of the TECH-AID ROBOTICS company and the events leading to its collapse. This rewards attentive players who take the time to investigate the factory's secrets.

❤ Difficulty and Challenge

The unforgiving time limit and unpredictable enemy AI, which demand a high level of skill and focus from the player to successfully navigate the separate inputs and evade the malfunctioning robot.
The significant mental processing required to track the robot's movements and react accordingly by switching between the inputs, creating a sense of accomplishment for players who can master the game's unique mechanics.

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