The Doors of Trithius

by Jake Donkersgoed

The Developer Says...

The Doors of Trithius is an open-world RPG roguelike. Engage in tactical turn-based combat in a living world of warring factions, wandering behemoths, and ancient magic. Level your skills, cook, craft, and explore dungeons. Will you follow the story, or let adventure be your guide?

Players Like...

❤ Expansive and Randomly Generated World

The game generates a unique, vast open world for every playthrough, providing high replayability. Players can freely navigate the procedurally created land of Enalia, exploring towns, dungeons, and the wilderness.

❤ Flexible Character Progression

The character progression system offers deep customization. Players can specialize in over 200 combat abilities across 12 distinct weapon skill trees. Additionally, 14 non-combat skills like Medicine, Alchemy, and Athletics can improve through strategic use, encouraging experimentation with different playstyles.

❤ Tactical Turn-Based Combat

Combat utilizes a tick-based turn system that prioritizes tactical decision-making. Players' actions like movement and weapon speed affect turn priority, rewarding carefully planned moves. Diverse enemy types and combat abilities force players to adapt their strategies.

❤ Crafting and Resource Management

Crafting plays a crucial role, allowing players to create food, potions, and medicine to aid their survival. Players can also repair and upgrade equipment using salvaged materials, adding resource management depth.

❤ Engaging Exploration

Exploration of the procedurally generated world is engaging, as each tile holds the potential for rare loot, hidden quests, or unexpected encounters. The sense of discovery and the possibility of emergent gameplay keep the experience fresh.

❤ Community Feedback and Continuous Improvement

The developer actively engages with the community, incorporating player feedback to continuously improve the game. Regular updates have addressed issues and added new content, demonstrating a long-term commitment to the game's development and players' enjoyment.

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