Richman: Clasic


The Developer Says...

*** This Game is only available in Chinese *** 《典藏大富翁》包含《大富翁》《大富翁2》《大富翁3》,共3款遊戲。1989年,大宇資訊將大富翁桌遊搬上電腦螢幕,首次發佈了《大富翁》作品。而後幾十年間,《大富翁》系列逐漸成為華語地區膾炙人口的休閒遊戲。

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The compilation features the original 1989 release, "Richman," as well as the second and third installments, allowing players to experience the series' evolution. The games share a common objective - amassing wealth by acquiring real estate and engaging in various financial transactions across a map of Taipei.

❤ Richman (1989)

In the first game, players move their characters on a black-and-white map, purchasing properties they land on to build their asset portfolio. Beyond real estate, the game incorporates stock and futures trading mechanics, challenging players to strategize their investments.

❤ Richman 2

The sequel expands the gameplay by introducing various card items that trigger diverse effects. Players may also encounter random "deity" characters that can either aid or hinder their progress. Richman 2 offers both single-player and multiplayer modes, enabling players to choose from a cast that includes the recurring "Ah-Tu" character as well as newcomers like "Xiao-Mei" and "Mrs. Chien."

❤ Richman 3

The third installment further refines the experience, providing players the option to select from 12 unique characters, each with their own personalities and dialogue. The game introduces new "deity" figures, such as the Fortune God and Poverty God, which can dramatically impact a player's financial standing. Richman 3 also features a "Lost and Found" mechanic, allowing players to recoup losses from in-game events.

❤ Player-Favorite Mechanics

Players praise the series' depth and variety of gameplay mechanics. The ability to strategically manage real estate, stocks, and futures, combined with the dynamic card items and deity characters, creates a compelling and multifaceted experience. Players enjoy the sense of progression and the opportunity to plan their moves to outmaneuver their opponents. The availability of both single-player campaigns and multiplayer modes caters to diverse player preferences. The narrative-driven single-player experience contrasts with the competitive and social multiplayer, allowing players to choose the mode that best suits their preferences. The Richman series' engaging and accessible gameplay has contributed to its enduring popularity in Chinese-speaking regions, and the compilation in "Richman: Classic" provides players with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the evolution of this classic game series.

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