
by SpaceOwl Games, Erabit

The Developer Says...

BattleGroupVR is a first person real-time space strategy where you lead a fleet of powerful warships into battle from the bridge of your own flagship. Assemble your fleet, upgrade your load-outs, train your captains, engage the enemy and secure the sector. Try not to go down with the ship.

Players Like...

❤ Commanding a Fleet of Spaceships

Players frequently praise the game's ability to capture the feeling of being a fleet commander in the vein of Ender's Game. By standing on the bridge of your flagship, you can physically interact with a holographic tactical map, directly control your flagship, and issue orders to your ships, creating a profound sense of presence and involvement.

❤ Intuitive VR Controls

Reviewers highlight the game's intuitive and responsive VR controls as a major strength. You can simply grab and manipulate ships, issue orders by pointing, and access information by looking at your hands. These controls feel remarkably natural and make the game accessible, even for those new to RTS games.

❤ Tactical Depth

Although the controls are streamlined, the game offers surprising tactical depth. The diverse array of ship types, each with unique abilities and strengths, combined with the ability to customize loadouts and equip captains with special skills, allows for complex strategic considerations. Managing power allocation, target priority, and formation positioning are all important factors that add to the gameplay's complexity.

❤ Impressive Scale

A common theme in the reviews is the game's impressive sense of scale. By physically manipulating the holographic map and zooming in to see the individual ships in detail, players describe a striking visual impression, often marveling at the awe of watching massive capital ships engage in battle.

❤ Satisfying Combat

The actual combat in the game is widely praised as intense and satisfying. Reviewers enjoy the visceral experience of watching missile barrages, laser fire, and ship explosions unfold in real-time from the bridge of their flagship. The ability to manually pilot your own ship and target specific systems adds a sense of personal involvement, while the overall pacing and challenge of the battles keep the gameplay engaging.

❤ Progression and Customization

The game's progression system, which allows players to unlock new ship types, upgrade their fleet, and hire specialized captains, is highlighted as a compelling long-term draw. Reviewers appreciate the depth of customization options and the ability to tailor their forces to different tactical scenarios or personal playstyles.

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