Queen's Wish 2: The Tormentor

by Spiderweb Software

The Developer Says...

You are in a barbarian land. They are trying to kill you. The Queen demands you tame them. So what now? Escape into an exciting, open-ended story and cunning tactical combat. Epic, indie fantasy adventure. Freely explore a huge world, fight for fame and power, and shape the world as you choose.

Players Like...

❤ Explore a Vast, Open World

The game world spans an enormous outdoor region filled with cities, forts, and dungeons to discover. Players have the freedom to navigate this world as they choose, making decisions that have significant and often "terrifying consequences" on the world around them. Whether through diplomacy, bribery, or outright violence, the open-ended design emphasizes player agency in shaping the narrative.

❤ Master Tactical, Turn-Based Combat

Combat is a central focus, featuring a tactical, turn-based system that requires careful strategizing. Players can select from over 60 different abilities to use in battle, managing their party's limited resources to overcome rapidly changing enemy threats. Mastering the nuances of this combat system is essential for progressing through the game's many challenging encounters.

❤ Build and Customize Fortresses

A unique gameplay mechanic allows players to build and upgrade their own fortresses. These fortifications provide valuable bonuses and resources to aid the party. Thoughtfully selecting fortress upgrades that complement the player's playstyle and goals is a key strategic consideration.

❤ Develop Characters Through Progression

As players explore the world and engage in combat, they'll earn experience to level up their party members. The progression system offers extensive customization, with the ability to respec character skills as needed to adapt to new challenges. Acquiring powerful equipment and magical artifacts further enhances the party's capabilities over the course of the adventure.

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