Saint Maker - Horror Visual Novel

by Yangyang Mobile

The Developer Says...

A haunted convent. Statues that move on their own. A buried past. Welcome to Saint Idelora’s convent, where becoming a saint comes with a price.

Players Like...

❤ Narrative Choices and Branching Paths

The game presents players with interactive dialogue choices that influence the narrative to some degree. However, the developers primarily opted for a linear story structure, where the choices have relatively minor impacts on the overall progression. While there are two distinct endings - a normal conclusion and a secret bonus scene - the narrative does not feature a complex branching structure with dramatically different paths, unlike the developer's previous title. Many reviewers noted that the choices often feel like an "illusion of choice", as they do not significantly alter the core story or character development. Some players found this approach disappointing if they expected a more branching, choice-driven experience. In contrast, other reviewers appreciated the focused narrative approach, feeling it allowed the developers to craft a tighter, more cohesive story.

❤ Pacing and Length

The game maintains a brisk pace throughout its approximately 4-6 hour playtime. This concise length was well-received by some players, who felt it prevented the experience from overstaying its welcome. The linear structure also avoids extensive repetition or backtracking, unlike longer visual novels. However, a few reviewers noted that the game's short length, combined with the limited narrative branching, made certain aspects feel slightly undercooked or rushed. These players would have preferred a longer, more fleshed-out experience.

❤ Supernatural and Horror Elements

While marketed as a "horror visual novel", the supernatural and horror elements are somewhat limited compared to the developer's previous work. The game features a few jump scares and creepy moments, as well as unsettling religious imagery and themes. However, many reviews indicate the developers focused more on psychological drama and character-driven storytelling than outright horror. Some players appreciated this shift in focus, feeling the game excelled at building an eerie, oppressive atmosphere and exploring sensitive themes related to religious trauma and abuse. Others were hoping for a more consistently terrifying experience akin to the developer's prior title.

❤ Presentation and Accessibility

Reviewers widely praised the quality of the fully voiced English dialogue, with the voice acting standing out as a highlight. The art style, backgrounds, and character designs also received positive feedback, with many players highlighting the immersive, haunting visual aesthetic of the convent setting. On the accessibility front, the game includes save/load functionality, allowing players to easily experiment with dialogue choices. There are also options to adjust the text speed and skip previously viewed content, making the experience more comfortable for players.

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