by Hit'n'Run Digital Studio, RUZURA Interactive

The Developer Says...

Detective visual novel about mysteries of rural Russian town in 90-s, anime style.

Players Like...

❤ Captivating Narrative and Storytelling

The game immerses players in a captivating mystery surrounding a rural Russian town in the 1990s. The narrative keeps players engaged with a well-crafted plot and expertly-voiced dialogue that brings the well-developed characters to life.

❤ Exploration and Investigation-Driven Gameplay

One of the key strengths of this visual novel is its exploration-driven gameplay. Players take on the role of a group of teenagers who delve into the secrets of the isolated town of Kuznetsk. The game encourages players to interact with the environment, gather clues, and piece together the puzzle, creating a strong sense of discovery and immersion.

❤ Nonlinear Progression and Branching Narrative

The game offers a nonlinear narrative structure, with multiple paths and endings determined by the player's choices. This adds significant replayability, as players can explore different storylines and experience varied outcomes based on their decisions. The branching narrative also enhances the game's sense of player agency, as their actions have a tangible impact on the story's progression.

❤ Atmospheric Presentation

The game's visual and audio design contribute greatly to its overall atmosphere. The anime-inspired art style and moody 1990s setting create a distinct and evocative ambiance that complements the narrative. The music and sound design further enhance the game's immersive quality, drawing players deeper into the world.

❤ Mature Themes and Character Development

While the game is primarily a mystery-driven adventure, it also explores mature themes such as domestic and psychological violence, suicide, and conspiracy. These elements are handled with sensitivity, and the game's character development and emotional depth allow for a more profound and thought-provoking experience.

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