Final Profit: A Shop RPG

by Brent Arnold

The Developer Says...

FINAL PROFIT is a story driven shop-sim RPG. Gather products and find customers. Spend your hard-earned profits on upgrades and investments. Make far-reaching choices as you expand your business. And explore a world full of secrets on your quest to defeat capitalism by becoming the best at it!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay and Mechanics

The deeply satisfying loop of buying low-cost products, selling them to customers at a markup, and using the profits to gradually expand and upgrade the shop keeps players engaged and invested in the progression. For example, players can unlock new shop locations, hire additional staff, and purchase specialized equipment that boosts productivity and profit margins.
The game successfully blends shop management with RPG-like leveling and stat systems, where the protagonist's skills and abilities improve over time to enable more advanced business strategies. This creates a compelling sense of growth and mastery as players optimize their approach.
The inclusion of automation features, such as the ability to automate certain shop processes or generate passive income streams, allows players to balance active management with more hands-off progression, appealing to both active and idle gameplay preferences.

❤ Narrative and Themes

The game's central narrative, where the protagonist, a former Fae queen, goes undercover to infiltrate and dismantle a corrupt capitalist system from within, provides a compelling and thematically relevant storyline. The player's choices throughout the story, such as whether to prioritize profit or morality, have a tangible impact on the narrative's direction and outcome.
The game's clever and often humorous satire of capitalism is woven seamlessly into the gameplay, allowing players to engage with the game's commentary on economic systems and power structures through their decisions and actions.
The strong, well-written character of Queen Mab, the protagonist, offers players a memorable and empowered female lead to follow on her journey of business and social revolution.

❤ Exploration and Discovery

The game world is densely packed with secrets, side quests, and interactive elements that encourage players to thoroughly explore and uncover the various facets of the game's environment. For example, players can discover hidden upgrade blueprints or collectible items that provide tangible gameplay benefits.
The ability to purchase and own various buildings, each with their own unique features and passive income streams, incentivizes players to carefully examine the game world and strategically invest in real estate to further their business empire.

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