The Hotel


The Developer Says...

The Hotel is an "old style" survival horror game!! Fight zombies and solve puzzles to try to escape!!

Players Like...

❤ Survival Horror Experience

Players immerse themselves in a eerie, challenging experience where resource management and puzzle-solving are key to survival. Limited ammunition forces players to carefully conserve their shots and rely on other tactics like melee combat and stealth to overcome enemy encounters, capturing the essence of classic titles like Resident Evil and Silent Hill.

❤ Fixed Camera Angles and Tank Controls

The game utilizes a fixed camera system and tank-style controls, which can take some getting used to for modern players. These design choices create a tense, claustrophobic atmosphere and heighten the feeling of vulnerability, as players must carefully navigate environments without the freedom of a free-moving camera.

❤ Exploration and Backtracking

The extensive hotel environment features nearly 90 different rooms for players to thoroughly search, finding key items and solving puzzles to progress through the story. This encourages methodical backtracking and careful mapping of the layout, as certain items and paths may only become accessible later in the game.

❤ Dual Protagonist Storylines

The game offers two playable protagonists, Alex and Judie, each with their own unique paths through the narrative. Completing one character's campaign unlocks the other, providing a slightly different perspective and slightly altered version of events, adding replayability as players uncover the full story and the consequences of their choices.

❤ Unlockable Extras

Beyond the core campaign, the game includes additional content for players to discover, such as unlockable costumes for the protagonists. It also features an Arena mode, offering a separate challenge mode for players to test their survival skills against waves of enemies.

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