
by 摸鱼猫工作室

The Developer Says...

挂爆电费,休闲摸鱼,偷懒耍滑!现代修真为皮;刷宝养成为骨;擦边玩梗为神。宅度与中二度突破天际,在游戏库内随时出击杀掉那些无聊的时间。其将为放置游戏中最妖艳的奇葩;其名为 挂 机 神 话 !

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Idle Progression Loop

At the core of "Mythological Idling" lies a captivating idle progression system. Players can set their customizable characters to automatically grind resources, tackle challenges, and grow in power even when they are away from the game. This allows for meaningful advancement during casual gaming sessions or while the player is occupied with other activities.

❤ Robust Character Customization

The game features a deep character customization and progression system. Players can unlock and upgrade a diverse array of character classes, each with unique abilities and playstyles. As characters level up, players can allocate skill points, equip powerful gear, and create synergistic builds to overcome increasingly difficult content.

❤ Procedurally Generated Replayability

One of the game's standout features is its use of procedural generation. The environments, enemies, and even the characters themselves are randomly generated, ensuring that no two playthroughs are identical. This, combined with the deep progression system, contributes to the game's high replayability, as players can embark on fresh and unpredictable adventures each time they play.

❤ Humorous and Self-Aware Narrative

While the core gameplay loop is centered around idle progression, the game's narrative is anything but ordinary. The developers have crafted a unique blend of "modern Chinese mythology," "Taoist cultivation," and "otaku culture," resulting in a refreshingly irreverent and self-aware experience that sets it apart from traditional idle games.

❤ Positive Player Feedback and Community Engagement

The game has received overwhelmingly positive user reviews, with players praising its engaging idle progression, character customization, and self-aware humor. The developer's commitment to ongoing updates and player engagement, as evidenced by the official player community group, further contributes to the game's appeal and longevity.

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