Gensokyo Defenders

by Neetpia, Phoenixx Inc.

The Developer Says...

Use Traps and Spell Cards to fight back the magical masses! Blistering shoot-em-up action meets tactical tower defense as you choose from almost 20 popular characters to stop the fairy onslaught! Take advantage of their unique powers and tricky Traps to freeze, fry, and blow your enemies away!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

Seamless integration of shoot-em-up action and tower defense, allowing players to actively participate in the battle while also strategically placing traps
Ability to select from 17 different playable characters, each with distinct abilities that can be leveraged in unique ways, such as Aya's water-based attacks or Okuu's powerful crowd control

❤ Character Design and Abilities

Mokou's risky but potent skill set, which lets her buff her own attacks and heal herself, but at the cost of either her own or the base's health, creating tense gameplay decisions
Okuu's devastating area-of-effect attacks that can clear large swaths of enemies, making her an invaluable asset in certain levels

❤ Story and Worldbuilding

Narrative that follows the mischievous ice fairy Cirno as she assembles a team of Touhou characters to defend Gensokyo from an onslaught of fairies
Dialogue between characters that captures the lighthearted, yet occasionally profound, exchanges characteristic of the Touhou series

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