The Thaumaturge

by Fool's Theory, 11 bit studios

The Developer Says...

The Thaumaturge is a story-driven RPG with morally ambiguous choices, taking place in the culturally diverse world of early 20th-century Warsaw. In this world, salutors exist: esoteric beings that only thaumaturges can truly perceive and use for their needs.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Turn-Based Combat

Players can use a combination of "human" attacks and abilities as well as special "salutor" abilities in combat. Salutors are esoteric beings that players can "tame" and utilize, each with their own special skills. This creates an engaging combat system where players must strategize which salutor abilities to use in conjunction with their own character's attacks. Reviewers have praised the "deck-building" feel of the combat, as players must carefully choose which salutor abilities to equip and how to synergize them with their character's abilities. While the combat is not overly complex, it provides enough depth and variety to remain engaging throughout the experience, with finding the right combination of abilities being key to success, especially in the more challenging battles.

❤ Investigative Mechanics

The game tasks players with exploring the world, gathering clues, and piecing together the mysteries at hand. This involves searching environments for important items and information, as well as conversing with NPCs to uncover new leads. Reviewers have appreciated the level of detail put into the investigative elements, with the world being filled with environmental clues and stories to uncover. While the game may occasionally "connect the dots" for the player, most have found the detective work to be satisfying and rewarding.

❤ Player Choices and Consequences

Throughout the experience, players are presented with morally ambiguous decisions that can significantly impact the story and relationships with characters. Reviewers have highlighted how their choices matter, not just in terms of the ending, but throughout the narrative, with decisions made early on coming back to haunt the player later in unexpected ways. This emphasis on choice and consequence has been widely praised as adding depth and replayability to the experience.

❤ Customization and Character Development

The game offers some meaningful character customization and development. Players can invest skill points into four core abilities, allowing them to tailor the protagonist's playstyle to their preferences. This impacts both combat effectiveness and dialogue/investigation options. Additionally, the selection and utilization of different salutors provides an extra layer of customization, as players must decide which combinations work best for their approach. Reviewers have enjoyed experimenting with different salutor setups to suit their preferred playstyle.

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