ThreatGEN: Red vs. Blue

by ThreatGEN

The Developer Says...

ThreatGEN: Red vs. Blue is an educational game-based cybersecurity simulator designed for those with genuine interest in cybersecurity. Learn and practice cybersecurity concepts & strategy, play as the red team (hackers) or the blue team (defenders), single player or online vs. a colleague.

Players Like...

❤ Overview

The game casts players in the roles of "red team" (hackers) or "blue team" (defenders) in a turn-based strategy game set within a computer network. Players choose actions from a menu to gather intelligence, probe for vulnerabilities, patch security holes, and outmaneuver their opponent - all without knowing the other side's exact plans.

❤ Gameplay

Rather than simulating technical command-line skills, the game focuses on high-level cybersecurity concepts and strategy. As the red team, you'll learn how hackers think, operate, and attack systems. As the blue team, you'll grapple with implementing real-world security controls, technology, methods, and strategies, often with limited resources. Each turn, you'll make tradeoffs - should you install a VPN or harden the terminal server? Attack now or research a vulnerability to boost your chances later? The gameplay loop challenges you to outmaneuver your opponent and achieve your objective, whether that's damaging industrial control systems or gathering enough threat intelligence. The developers have designed the gameplay to give players a broad, conceptual understanding of cybersecurity, rather than drilling down into low-level technical details. This "big picture" approach aims to sharpen your cybersecurity knowledge and skills.

❤ Community Feedback

With 90% positive reviews out of 71 on Steam, the game has resonated strongly with the cybersecurity community. Experienced IT and security professionals praise its ability to capture the real-world challenges of the industry, even if the gameplay initially seems overly simple. Many reviewers highlight the game's value as an educational tool, both for aspiring STEM students and seasoned InfoSec pros looking to sharpen their skills. One reviewer lauded it as "the most fun educational game I've ever played in my life," while another stated it would make "a great training tool for employees."

❤ Limitations and Improvements

Some players have noted a need for more extensive tutorials or explanations, especially for those new to cybersecurity concepts. Additionally, a few reviewers mentioned minor bugs that could use addressing. However, the developers have indicated they're actively working on improvements, including a forthcoming single-player mode, based on community feedback. As the game continues to evolve, these limitations may be addressed.

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