24 Killers

by Happy Shabby Games

The Developer Says...

Explore a desert island full of oddities, transform into monsters you've rescued, collect mysterious spirits, and unlock mods that change up future playthroughs.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The ability to transform into rescued monsters, granting unique abilities like super strength and stealth, which allow players to access new areas and progress through the game in creative ways.
The "Blessing" system, which provides optional modifications to the game rules for each save file, adding extra challenge or helping players complete the game faster in future playthroughs.
The streamlined gameplay loop that maintains the core exploration and puzzle-solving elements while feeling more accessible than similar "Chulip-like" games.

❤ Narrative and Characters

The game's intriguing premise, where a cursed super intelligence bound to a soldier's corpse works with an alien named Moon to care for the island's quirky and memorable inhabitants.
The blend of dark humor, surreal supernatural elements, and emotionally resonant themes of kindness and connection that create a unique and engaging narrative.
The way the story progresses organically through player interactions with the island's residents and the collection of the mysterious "Whispers" currency.

❤ Replayability and Longevity

The ability to unlock different "Blessings" for each save file, encouraging players to explore multiple playthroughs with varied game mechanics and approaches.
The game's "roguelike" elements, such as the option to complete the story quickly or take a more leisurely pace, adding to the overall replayability.
The developer's commitment to expanding the game's content and lore post-launch, giving players the expectation of more engaging experiences to come.

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