Draft of Darkness

by Crawly Games

The Developer Says...

Draft of Darkness is a survival horror RPG with deck building and roguelike dungeon exploration. Recruit allies, synergize their decks to create powerful card combos. Manage your limited resources and explore procedurally generated maps to determine the story's outcome.

Players Like...

❤ Uniquely Tying Decks to Weapons

The game ties each player's card deck directly to their equipped weapon type. For example, pistol cards can only be used when wielding a pistol, while shotgun cards require a shotgun. This encourages players to carefully build synergistic card combos around their chosen weapon specialization. Additionally, unlocking new cards through a "booster pack" system allows for a high degree of customization. Players can experiment with different deck archetypes and strategies on each new run, drastically altering the gameplay experience.

❤ Tense Resource Management

Managing limited resources, such as ammunition, batteries, and chemicals, adds a strategic layer to the combat. Players must decide whether to use powerful card abilities that consume resources, or opt for weaker but more efficient options to conserve supplies. Misjudging resource consumption can quickly lead to dire consequences.

❤ Unpredictable Exploration

The procedurally-generated maps keep each run fresh, as players must adapt their strategies to the unique challenges presented in each new area. The ability to freely explore, scavenge for resources, and make story-altering choices further enhances the sense of agency and immersion.

❤ Tactical Turn-Based Combat

The turn-based card battler system offers surprisingly deep tactical complexity. Players must strategically choose which cards to play, considering factors like resource costs, weapon type interactions, and the positioning of their party members. Effectively managing a party of survivors, each with their own customizable deck, adds an additional layer of strategy.

❤ Meaningful Progression

Even upon defeat, players can unlock new starting cards for their decks, allowing them to experiment with different builds and strategies on subsequent runs. This sense of progression, combined with the game's procedural generation and meaningful choices, ensures that no two runs are exactly the same, fostering a highly replayable experience.

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