
by Starworks Studios

The Developer Says...

Timeworks is a time-traveling 3D puzzle platformer with a bouncy cartoon style. Work along past versions of yourself to solve puzzles, create unique Items, and fill out your quotas for your mysterious employers.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The ability to work with past versions of oneself to solve puzzles, which requires careful coordination and optimization to get the timing just right.
The introduction of new puzzle elements and mechanics throughout the game, such as the ability to create unique items, which keeps the experience fresh and challenging.
The ability to reset and replay puzzles to find the optimal solution, without having to undo all previous actions, allowing players to experiment and refine their strategies.

❤ Narrative and Characters

The comedic personalities and interactions of the in-game characters, such as the player's co-workers Audrey and Gary, which add to the game's charming and humorous tone.
The sense of mystery and intrigue surrounding the player's role at the 'Timeworks' company, which provides an engaging narrative framework for the gameplay.

❤ Audio Design

The catchy, jazz-influenced soundtrack from the Philadelphia-based band Atomic Fizz, which effectively sets the mood and complements the game's lighthearted style.

❤ Replayability and Value

The moderate length of the game, which allows for a satisfying single-play experience, but also provides ample opportunities for optimization and experimentation, encouraging players to revisit puzzles to achieve higher performance.
The reasonable price point, which makes the game an appealing and accessible purchase for players seeking a unique puzzle-platforming experience.

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