Wizard with a Gun

by Galvanic Games, Devolver Digital

The Developer Says...

Wizard with a Gun is an online sandbox survival game for 1 - 4 players set in a magical wilderness wrought with dangerous creatures and arcane mysteries. Embark on a journey alone or with a friend to collect, craft, and outfit your wizard however you see fit as you explore the unknown.

Players Like...

❤ Diverse Weapon Crafting

Players can craft a wide array of unique enchanted ammunition for their guns. The game features around 8 different elemental bullet types, such as fire, ice, and lightning. By combining these elements in the crafting system, players can create surprising and powerful bullet effects. For example, using oil and fire bullets together results in increased damage. Experimenting with these synergies is a core part of the engaging gameplay loop.

❤ Cooperative Gameplay Enhancements

The cooperative multiplayer mode allows players to team up and combine their resources, magic, and creativity. One standout feature is the ability for one player to stay behind and manage the base, while the other ventures out on expeditions. This division of labor adds an extra layer of strategy and coordination to the gameplay.

❤ Systemic Interactions and Emergent Outcomes

Players praise the depth of the game's underlying systems, which allow for unpredictable and emergent interactions. Unleashing different spell and bullet combinations can have dramatic effects on the environment and enemies. For instance, players can reset the entire world layout by using "cosmic power," leading to new challenges and exploration opportunities each time.

❤ Satisfying Combat Progression

The combat is a major highlight, with the robust weapon customization and progression systems keeping players invested. Upgrading one's arsenal of magical guns and discovering powerful synergies between bullet types feels rewarding. While some reviewers note the relative ease of the combat, the general consensus is that the combat loop is engaging and propels the player forward.

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