Turbo Overkill

by Trigger Happy Interactive, Apogee Entertainment

The Developer Says...

Turbo Overkill is complete and with many new updates (just in: spectacular ending credits). Clean up Paradise with your chainsaw leg, 15+ weapons & hovercar, and battle Syn (a super AI), bounty hunters, and cyberpunks aplenty. Apogee's most outrageous FPS since Duke Nukem 3D. Good hunting, Sir!

Players Like...

❤ Movement and Mobility

The protagonist, Johnny Turbo, boasts an impressive arsenal of movement abilities. Players can dash, double jump, and wall-run at breakneck speeds, seamlessly chaining these maneuvers together. The standout feature is the "chainsaw slide" - by rapidly sliding across the environment, players deal devastating damage with the chainsaw attached to Johnny's leg. Reviewers praise this slide mechanic as both satisfying and integral to the core combat loop. Further enhancing mobility, players can unlock upgrades like grappling hooks, allowing them to zip around levels with the agility of Spider-Man and the raw firepower of DOOM's Doomguy.

❤ Weaponry and Combat

The game features over 15 unique weapons, each with distinct alt-fire modes that add depth and variety to the combat. The "Telefragger" sniper rifle stands out, allowing players to instantly teleport inside an enemy before detonating them from within. Players can upgrade their arsenal through a talent tree system, unlocking game-changing abilities like the ability to lock-on and instantly gib multiple foes with the Twin Magnums or attach a grenade launcher to the Boomer Shotgun. Combining these upgrades with the fluid movement creates a combat system that reviewers describe as incredibly satisfying and skill-based. Players can also equip limb augments, such as health and armor leech on kill, further emphasizing an aggressive, high-risk high-reward playstyle.

❤ Level Design and Exploration

The game's environments are packed with secrets and hidden collectibles that reward exploration and mastery of the movement mechanics. Reviewers highlight how the levels seamlessly interconnect, allowing players to revisit areas from new perspectives. The stages also feature a variety of gameplay challenges and environmental puzzles, ranging from timed platforming sections to intense combat arenas. These challenges are designed to test the player's ability to utilize the full extent of their moveset, creating a sense of momentum and mastery.

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