Outcast - A New Beginning

by Appeal Studios, THQ Nordic

The Developer Says...

Explore the breathtaking alien world of Adelpha, support the local Talans in their struggles and fight your way through fast-paced battles against invading robot forces in this 3rd-person, open world, action adventure sequel to the 1999 cult classic.

Players Like...

❤ Traversal and Exploration

Players widely praise the game's traversal system, highlighting the fluidity and satisfaction of using Cutter Slade's jetpack to soar, glide, and dash through the vibrant open world. Reviewers note that the jetpack provides a sense of freedom and empowerment as they explore the diverse environments, from towering mountains to deep ocean floors. One player describes the experience as "a blast" and never getting old, while another states that the jetpack-enabled movement is "smooth as butter."

❤ Combat and Customization

While combat is not the primary focus, players find it to be satisfying and dynamic, with the ability to use the jetpack to quickly maneuver and attack from different angles. The weapon customization system stands out, allowing players to mix and match a variety of modules to create unique and powerful weapons tailored to their playstyle. Reviewers appreciate the depth and creativity offered by this system, with one player describing the experience of building their dream weapon as "truly Ratchet & Clank-esque."

❤ Quests and Progression

Reviewers praise the game's quests for being varied and well-integrated into the world, with a lack of repetitive "fetch" or "kill X" objectives. Instead, the quests are described as unique and often interconnected, contributing to the overall sense of a living, cohesive world. The progression system, which allows players to unlock new abilities and upgrades for Cutter and his equipment, is also praised for providing a meaningful sense of growth and empowerment as they explore the world.

❤ Responsive and Fluid Gameplay

Across the board, reviewers emphasize the responsive and fluid feel of the gameplay, from the jetpack-enabled traversal to the combat encounters. While some minor technical issues are noted, the overall consensus is that the mechanics and controls feel polished and satisfying, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the experience. One player states that the game's "movement and control quickly becomes the best part."

❤ Sense of Exploration and Discovery

Players consistently highlight the joy of exploring the game's world and uncovering its secrets. The attention to detail in the world design is widely praised, with each region and settlement feeling distinct and alive. Reviewers describe the sense of discovery, whether it's finding hidden temples, encountering unique wildlife, or learning about the Talan culture, as a major draw that keeps them engaged. One player notes that "just exploring can be fun" due to the engaging nature of the world.

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