Back to the Dawn

by Metal Head Games, Spiral Up Games

The Developer Says...

You were framed and incarcerated. Learn to survive in prison. Explore every inch and exploit any weakness. Manipulate and scheme. Make friends (or foes) with fellow inmates and with their help, break out of prison.

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❤ Gameplay Overview

The gameplay loop revolves around carefully managing your time, resources, and relationships to uncover the conspiracy that led to your incarceration and ultimately escape the prison within a 21-day time limit.

❤ Immersive Prison Simulation

You must contend with a variety of daily tasks and challenges, from maintaining your physical and mental well-being to navigating the social dynamics of the prison hierarchy. The game's attention to detail, such as the need to properly prepare food or secure a secure sleeping spot, creates a tangible sense of the daily struggles and routines of prison life.

❤ Resource Management

You must carefully balance your time, money, and physical/mental stats to make progress towards your ultimate goal of escaping. This includes prioritizing tasks, investing in skills and equipment, and carefully managing your relationships with fellow inmates. The game's dice-rolling mechanics introduce an element of randomness, requiring you to adapt your strategies based on the outcomes of various interactions and events.

❤ Branching Narrative and Choices

Your choices and actions deeply influence the game's narrative. You can choose to befriend or antagonize other inmates, join different prison gangs, and pursue various escape routes, each with their own unique challenges and consequences. This branching narrative structure encourages multiple playthroughs, as you strive to uncover the different paths and endings available.

❤ Diverse Skill System

The game offers a robust skill system that allows you to customize your approach. From physical skills like strength and stamina to social skills like charm and intimidation, you can tailor your character to fit your preferred playstyle, whether that's as a brawler, a smooth-talker, or a cunning strategist.

❤ Engaging Minigames

Interspersed throughout the game are a variety of engaging minigames, ranging from poker and other gambling activities to more skill-based challenges like cooking and lockpicking. These minigames not only break up the pacing but also provide opportunities for you to earn resources, gain favor with fellow inmates, or even acquire new skills.

❤ Replayability and New Game Plus

The game's multiple endings and branching narrative paths, combined with the ability to carry over progress and skills through a New Game Plus mode, ensure a high degree of replayability. You are encouraged to experiment with different strategies and approaches, further deepening your understanding of the game's systems and the intricate web of relationships and events that shape the overall experience.

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