Star Trek: Resurgence

by Dramatic Labs, Bruner House

The Developer Says...

Authentic Star Trek adventure from former members of Telltale Games. Engage in diplomacy, pilot shuttlecraft, and use your tricorder and phaser to overcome challenging puzzles and deadly threats. Tough decisions will impact relationships, your story, and the fate of the galaxy. What will YOU do?

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The game presents a narrative-driven adventure that delivers an authentic Star Trek experience. Players primarily explore the story through dialogue choices and interactive sequences, with less emphasis on traditional game mechanics and action.

❤ Dialogue and Relationship Building

The core gameplay revolves around dialogue choices that allow players to shape relationships with the crew and impact the overall narrative. Reviewers praise the game for capturing the spirit of classic Star Trek by emphasizing interpersonal interactions, ethical dilemmas, and the exploration of moral quandaries. Players feel their decisions matter, as they can positively or negatively influence how NPCs perceive their character.

❤ Tricorder and Console Interactions

Players frequently highlight the enjoyable use of the in-game tricorder and computer consoles. These interactive sequences enable players to scan environments, analyze data, and solve various puzzles. Reviewers note that these mechanics successfully evoke the feel of classic Star Trek, where the crew would use their tools to gather information and overcome challenges.

❤ Away Team Missions

While the game is primarily focused on dialogue and exploration, it does feature some light action sequences, such as away team missions that involve stealth and combat. These segments, though relatively simple, provide a welcome change of pace and allow players to experience more active participation in the Star Trek universe.

❤ Immersive Atmosphere

Beyond the specific gameplay mechanics, many players praise the game for successfully creating an immersive Star Trek experience. The attention to detail in the visuals, sound design, and overall presentation helps transport players into the familiar setting of the Star Trek universe, with several reviewers noting that the game feels like an interactive episode of a classic Star Trek series.

❤ Replayability and Choices

While some reviewers note that the overall narrative arc is relatively linear, the game's emphasis on dialogue choices and relationship building provides a level of replayability. Players can make different decisions and witness how those choices impact the story and the characters' reactions, encouraging multiple playthroughs to explore the various narrative branches.

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