Mercury Fallen

by Nitrous Butterfly

The Developer Says...

Sci-fi colony management with a focus on expansion and exploration. Dig out the underground and explore the surface of an alien world as you rebuild your facility, grow your colony, manage colonists and robots and discover the mysteries of a new home light years from Earth.

Players Like...

❤ Relaxed Colony Management Simulation

The game focuses on expanding and exploring an alien world, rebuilding an underground facility, and growing a colony of humans and robots. Players can take their time managing colonists, resources, and base construction at their own pace without facing intense challenges or threats.

❤ Multifaceted Base Building

Players must construct a variety of specialized rooms and facilities, such as sleeping quarters, recreation areas, food production, and power generation. Constructing these buildings requires harvesting different resources from the underground and surface environment.

❤ Seamless Underground and Surface Exploration

Players can send colonists and robots to the surface to uncover new resources, discoveries, and points of interest. This allows for a sense of progression as players unlock new technologies and expand their operations above and below ground.

❤ Technological Research and Progression

The game features a tech tree that provides additional rooms, objects, and recipes as players research new technologies. This encourages players to balance their priorities between expanding their base, managing resources, and advancing their technological capabilities.

❤ Colonist and Robot Management

Players must manage their colonists and robots, ensuring their needs are met in terms of housing, recreation, and job assignments. Each colonist has unique quirks that affect their behavior, adding an element of complexity to the colony management. Players can also grow clones and assemble robots to expand their workforce.

❤ Procedural Generation and Replayability

The game features procedural generation, ensuring that each new game provides a unique experience with randomized maps and layouts. This, combined with the open-ended nature of the gameplay, contributes to the game's replayability and encourages players to experiment with different strategies.

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