Dice of God

by Bad Dog Works.

The Developer Says...

Roll the dice, will the outcome be a blessing or a punishment?

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The dice-rolling combat system creates an engaging risk-reward dynamic, where the specific number rolled determines the player's attack and defense values, forcing them to strategize around probabilities.
The ability to craft customized paper dice from a 4x4 or 5x5 grid of numbers allows players to create tailored dice that suit their playstyle, rewarding creativity and experimentation.
The "blessing" mechanic, where a roll of 6 can enchant a die face to be doubly effective, introduces an element of luck-based benefits that can turn the tide of a battle.

❤ Challenge and Depth

The game is praised for its surprising difficulty, as the mathematical odds are often not in the player's favor, requiring them to devise clever strategies to overcome the challenges.
The progression from a tutorial-like first level to more complex battles with limited paper dice and modified die faces showcases the game's depth and the player's need to adapt their approach.

❤ Accessibility and Value

The game's short, focused runtime of 15-30 minutes per playthrough is well-suited for quick, bite-sized gaming sessions, making it an accessible option for players with limited time.
The low $1 price point is considered a fair value proposition, especially given the game's replayability through the varied perk selections and the potential for mastering the dice-crafting mechanics.

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