Warsim: The Realm of Aslona

by Huw Millward

The Developer Says...

Warsim is a deep and rich text based kingdom management game unlike anything else. Complete with charming ASCII graphics, navigate the millions of different procedurally generated races, events and areas with a huge emphasis on player choice. Don't let its look fool you, there is depth in every direction.

Players Like...

❤ Procedurally-Generated World

The game features over 100 unique locations for players to discover, each with its own distinct features and inhabitants. The world is populated by over 94 million possible races, each with their own unique traits, units, and societal structures. This ensures that no two playthroughs will be exactly the same, as the world constantly reshapes itself around the player's decisions.

❤ Throne Room Interactions

In the throne room, players must manage their kingdom and deal with a wide variety of characters and events. They can interact with gamblers, bards, mercenaries, and more, each with their own unique requests and consequences. These throne room encounters are complex, with over 1,000 different scenarios for players to navigate. Players must carefully consider their actions, as the choices they make can have far-reaching effects on the stability and prosperity of their kingdom.

❤ Exploration and Discovery

Beyond the throne room, players can choose to explore the realm, uncovering new locations, forts, mines, and other points of interest. These explorations are rewarded, as players may stumble upon hidden cities, cults, or even ancient artifacts that can provide valuable resources or strategic advantages. The exploration aspect adds an element of adventure and unpredictability to the gameplay, as players never know what they might find on their journeys.

❤ Arena and Gambling

Players can host tournaments in the arena, hire and train champions, and bet on the outcomes of battles. The arena provides a source of entertainment and income, as players can profit from the victories of their champions or the losses of their opponents. Additionally, the game features a variety of gambling minigames, ranging from scorpion fights to dice games, that players can partake in to earn additional wealth.

❤ Warfare and Conquest

While the game emphasizes the management and development of the player's kingdom, there is also a military aspect to the gameplay. Players can raise and train armies, then use them to wage war against rival kingdoms, either through direct conquest or by forming strategic alliances and vassalage. The combat system is text-based, but allows for a degree of tactical decision-making, as players must consider the strengths and weaknesses of their units.

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