Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game

by Iron Tower Studio

The Developer Says...

Colony Ship is a turn-based, party-based role-playing game set aboard a generation ship launched to Proxima Centauri. The game features a detailed skill-based character system, multiple ways to handle quests, choices & consequences, and branching dialogue trees.

Players Like...

❤ Character Creation Offers Endless Possibilities

Players can choose from a variety of character portraits and deeply customize their stats, skills, and feats. This allows for a wide range of viable playstyles, from silver-tongued negotiators to stealthy assassins to heavily-armed combatants. The breadth of customization options ensures players can tailor their character to their preferred approach.

❤ Skills Improve Through Use

Rather than gaining skills through level-ups, players improve their abilities by actually using them. This encourages players to engage with a variety of skills, rather than simply maxing out the most optimal ones. It also means players can't become a master of every skill, forcing them to make meaningful choices about their character's specialization.

❤ Multiple Paths to Success

Quests and challenges can be overcome through combat, dialogue, stealth, hacking, and other means. No single approach is always best, rewarding players who utilize a diverse skillset. A smooth-talking diplomat can potentially avoid fights altogether, while a combat specialist can overwhelm foes through sheer firepower. This flexibility allows players to truly role-play their desired character.

❤ Tactical, Unforgiving Combat

Combat is described as a tough, strategic affair. Players must carefully consider their actions, making use of gadgets, grenades, and cybernetic enhancements to gain an edge. Encounters are not easily won, often requiring multiple attempts as players learn the optimal tactics. This focus on tactical challenge appeals to players who enjoy difficult, rewarding combat.

❤ Meaningful, Consequence-Driven Choices

The branching narrative presents players with choices that have lasting impact on the game world, relationships, and ultimate outcome. Players must thoughtfully consider the ramifications of their decisions, as they can't simply reload and try a different option without consequence. The weight of these choices adds tension and replayability, as players are invested in seeing how their decisions play out.

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