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❤ Story and Narrative
The captivating mystery surrounding the "Mad Rook" spirit and its impact on the lives of the locals, including the protagonist Roui, a resilient city dandy who must return to his hometown.
The game's ability to draw parallels between the fantastical events and the player's own everyday experiences through the relatable, three-dimensional characters.
The richly-crafted world of Shang-La, a place where science and mysticism coexist, and the intriguing concepts surrounding the Sahash, a second intelligent race with diverse cultures and traditions.
❤ Gameplay
The combination of visual novel and point-and-click adventure elements, allowing players to communicate with multiple characters, forge friendships, and make choices that affect the story.
The opportunity to explore the world of Shang-La and uncover hidden clues and items that expand the player's understanding of the game's lore and characters.
❤ Audio and Presentation
The atmospheric, original soundtrack that enhances the game's fantastical and mystical atmosphere.