天行镖客 (Sky Escort)

by 相对艺术 Relativity Art, Wise Games

The Developer Says...

Sky Escort is a rogue-like card game featuring TD and management. Players roleplay an airborne mercenary,escorting clients' cargo to earn rewards. Buildcard decks, recruit crew members, and customize arms to enrich gameplay. Multiple factions can be chose from, each with unique combat style.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The real-time card gameplay, which requires players to quickly strategize the order and timing of their card plays, adding a sense of tension and excitement. The non-traditional, real-time approach to a card game sets it apart from typical turn-based card games.
The ability to build personalized card decks during each playthrough, allowing players to experiment with different strategies and combinations. This deckbuilding aspect gives players a sense of agency and investment in the outcome of each run.
The tower defense elements, where players can construct and arrange various defensive structures on their airship to fend off attacks from sky pirates. The strategic placement and optimization of these defenses is a core challenge.

❤ Narrative and Faction Diversity

The distinct faction-based playstyles, such as the Monarch's focus on commercial and industrial capabilities, the Panda Sages' mastery of gasification and spellcasting, and the Wanderers' use of robots in combat. These varied approaches encourage multiple playthroughs to explore the unique strengths and strategies of each faction.

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