
by Myron Games

The Developer Says...

Live the experience of being a powerful god and create the world to see the growth of mankind.

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❤ Sandbox World Creation

As a player, you can create your own world from scratch, placing individual tiles of various terrain types like grasslands, forests, deserts, and mountains. This freedom to customize the landscape tile-by-tile allows for a high degree of creativity and control over the world's geography.

❤ Autonomous Civilizations

As you construct the world, autonomous human civilizations will begin to emerge and develop organically. These civilizations advance through different technological ages on their own, gathering resources, building settlements, and even engaging in trade and warfare with neighboring groups. Witnessing these civilizations grow and evolve is a core part of the experience.

❤ Guiding and Shaping Civilizations

While the civilizations have a degree of autonomy, you can intervene as a godlike figure to guide and shape their development. This is accomplished through the use of various "miracles" - divine powers that can bless, curse, or otherwise influence the humans below. You can choose to be a benevolent creator, helping your civilizations thrive, or a vengeful deity, punishing heretics and disbelievers.

❤ Creative Destruction

In addition to constructing the world, you can also engage in creative destruction. This includes unleashing natural disasters like volcanic eruptions, floods, and locust swarms to reshape the landscape or eliminate troublesome civilizations. The ability to dramatically alter the world through these divine powers adds a sense of godlike grandeur to the gameplay.

❤ Emergent Narratives

As civilizations grow and interact, the game generates emergent narratives and situations. You may witness wars break out between rival kingdoms, see heretical movements challenge your divine rule, or observe the rise and fall of entire populations. These unscripted events create a sense of unpredictability and narrative depth, as you react to the unfolding events in your world.

❤ Replayability and Sandbox Exploration

The open-ended sandbox nature and procedurally generated worlds ensure a high degree of replayability. Each game session presents new challenges and opportunities for you to explore, experiment, and create unique worlds. The flexibility to approach the game in different ways, from benevolent creator to vengeful deity, further enhances the replayability.

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