Yesterday Origins

by Pendulo Studios, Microids

The Developer Says...

John Yesterday becomes immortal following an occult ritual. However, not everything goes to plan. He and his girlfriend Pauline must embark on an investigation to try to reproduce the immortality ritual. But his former acquaintances have other plans for him...

Players Like...

❤ Story and Narrative

The game's narrative effectively builds upon the lore and characters established in the previous "Yesterday" game, providing a meaningful continuation of the storyline. Players praise the complexity of the plot, which spans multiple time periods and features a central mystery surrounding the protagonist's immortality.
The story includes well-crafted, morally ambiguous characters, with a surprising and satisfying conclusion that answers key questions while leaving some new ones for players to ponder.

❤ Gameplay and Mechanics

The game's unique twist on the traditional point-and-click adventure formula allows players to closely examine and interact with objects and characters from multiple angles, adding depth to the puzzle-solving experience.
The ability to switch between the two protagonists, John and Pauline, during certain chapters adds variety to the gameplay and provides different perspectives on the unfolding events.

❤ Audio and Presentation

The game's voice acting is consistently praised for its high quality, with convincing and well-delivered performances that enhance the overall narrative experience.

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